Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi
Cycad, breadtree, kafferbroodboom (Palmer and Pitman 1972), white-haired cycad.
"The stout trunk, the top covered with brown wool, and the open and often flattish crown, help to identify this species ... The straight or curved leaves, yellowish-green when mature, have fairly narrow leaflets, the middle ones up to about 1/4 inch or just over, (7 mm) in width. A diagnostic feature, according to Dr Dyer, is the length of the middle leaflets, about 4 to 6 1/2 inches (roughly 10-17 cm) long, and about 7 mm broad, 7-9 nerved on the undersurface. The cones are woolly, grey or brown, and 3 or more - on some male plants up to 10 - are borne together, and these help to distinguish the species from E. cycadifolius with which it is often confused. The latter, however, is a shorter species with a stem rarely more than 2 feet (0.6 m) tall, cones borne singly, and a very limited distribution in the Bedford and Cradock mountains. The seeds of Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi are yellow, sometimes with an orange tinge" (Palmer and Pitman 1972).
South Africa: "mountains and rocky hills from the East London and Cathcart districts of the eastern Cape to the Kokstad district. Several specimens may be seen close to Cathcart alongside the road to the Hogsback" (Palmer and Pitman 1972).
No data as of 2023.03.03.
"The species was named after Frederick William, King of Prussia" (Palmer and Pitman 1972).
Last Modified 2025-02-22