The Gymnosperm Database


The Wardholme Pine in Carpenteria, CA; planted 1888, now the largest known specimen [C.J. Earle, 2020.12.21].


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Conservation Status

Conservation status

Pinus torreyana var. insularis

(Haller) Silba 1990

Common names

Island Torrey pine (Kral 1993).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: Pinus torreyana subsp. insularis Haller 1986.


"Trees 10(-15) m in native stands; mature crown of sheltered trees broader than tree height, compact in natural sites. Seed cones broader than long, mostly over 13.5 cm; umbos mostly more than 6 mm, whole umbo curved outward. Seeds to 14 mm wide, averaging over 11 mm, brown to dark brown with darker mottling" (Kral 1993).

Distribution and Ecology

USA: California: occurs naturally only on the E end of Santa Rosa Island (elevation 130-180 m). Habitat dry fogbelt zone, ravines and low ridges. Species is rare, so of conservation concern (Kral 1993). Population about 2,000 trees, inclusive of seedlings and saplings (Ledig and Conkle 1983).

Remarkable Specimens

The very largest known Torrey pine is the Wardholme Pine (photo at right). This specimen was brought from Santa Rosa Island in 1888 and planted in downtown Carpenteria, CA, by local judge Thomas Ward. The tree is 38.4 m tall, 198 cm dbh, with a crown spread of 39 m (R. Van Pelt e-mail 1998.03.18; the tree has likely grown a bit since then). The tallest known tree is a specimen in the Capitol Arboretum in California, planted in about 1870, that in 2024 was 44.7 m tall with 129 cm dbh (R. Van Pelt e-mail 2024.06.02). All of the old ornamental specimens in Alta California are thought to represent var. insularis (J.R. Haller pers. comm. to R. Van Pelt during 1999 IDS tour).

I have no data on trees in habitat.



Santa Rosa Island is part of the Channel Islands National Park. Access to the islands is controlled by the National Park Service.



Haller, J.R. 1986. Taxonomy and relationships of the mainland and island populations of Pinus torreyana (Pinaceae). Systematic Botany 11:39-50.

Ledig, F.T. and M.T. Conkle 1983. Gene diversity and genetic structure in a narrow endemic, Torrey pine. Evolution 37: 79-85.

Silba, J. 1990. A supplement to the international census of the coniferae 2. Phytologia 68: 7-78.

Thanks to M.P. Frankis (1999.03) for his help with this page.

See also

The species account at Threatened Conifers of the World.

Last Modified 2025-02-22