Ephedra somalensis
Dioecious erect shrubs with broom-like branching, up to 2 m tall, with dark brown pith. Twigs usually densely clustered, striate, rough. Leaves paired, 1–2 mm long, united for 1/2–2/3, the sheaths scarious, usually wider than long, papillose. Female cones short-pedunculate, 1-flowered. Male cones sessile, 3–4 mm long with 6–8 anthers. Flowering in March (Bell and Bachman 2011; Thulin et al. 2008 [Flora of Somalia] as cited by Plants of the World Online, accessed 2021.12.25).
Eritrea and Somalia, at elevations of 1200 to 2700 m in xerophytic evergreen afromontane forests and bushlands on soils derived from gnieiss, schist and limestone. Commonly associated species include Buxus hildebrandtii, Dracaena ombet, Monetheca buxifolia, Euryops arabicus, Teucrium polium, Olea sp., Juniperus procera, Tarchonanthus sp., Cadia sp., Pistacia aethiopica and Dodonaea viscosa (Bell and Bachman 2011).
No data as of 2023.03.03.
See the observations on iNaturalist, accessed 2021.12.31.
Bell, A. and S. Bachman. 2011. Ephedra somalensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011: e.T201676A9162281. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-2.RLTS.T201676A9162281.en, accessed 2021.12.25.
Freitag, H. and M. Maier-Stolte. 2003. The Genus Ephedra in NE Tropical Africa. Kew Bulletin 58:417.
Species profile at Plants of the World Online, accessed 2021.12.31.
Last Modified 2025-02-10